For 10 years Tippi wandered the Namibian bush dressed only in a loincloth befriending the ferocious animals and the Bushmen of the Kalahari. Tippi now lives in Paris. She returns to her childhood. She is a bridge between two cultures. We will show Tippi in her current life situation, as a teenager in Paris, her surrounding, her dreams and visions, her return to Africa and her meeting new and old friends – i.e. the African elephant and the Bushmen.
In 1990, Tippi Degré – daughter of Alain Degré and Sylvie Robert, a couple who chose to relinquish their lives in France for the freedom of nature in Southern Africa – was born in the newly independent Namibia. Her parents worked as freelance wildlife photographers and film makers. At 10 months the toddler was exploring the Namibian bush and desert.
For 10 years, Tippi wandered the bush bare footed, making friends with all sorts of animals: leopards, caracals, mongooses, baboons and snakes.
Her playground was the hills and the harsh desert tribe lands of southern Africa; as the family wandered the bush land, Tippi picked up all kinds of friends – like Abu, a five ton (28-year-old) elephant she calls “her brother”.
She would ride to a water hole on top of Abu and splash with the elephants of the herd, cuddle giant bullfrogs, lion cubs or meerkats; and became a grasshopper hunting specialist with the chameleons she was so fond of.
Tippi also befriended the Himba tribes people and the Bushmen of the Kalahari, who taught her how to survive on roots and berries and hence gave her practical experience of real life in the bush.
Life as a bush baby came to an end after her last year of "freedom" in Madagascar when Tippi moved to the French capital with her mother six years ago. But both in fact and in her heart, she remained an African.
In “Tippi – Bridging the Gap to Africa” we are focusing on Tippi reconnecting with her childhood memories, getting back to her roots, re-discovering Africa – now that she is a 16 year old girl living in Paris.
Source: selkirk-enterprises.com
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